

Explore our curated list of exceptional homeschooling blogs, each offering unique perspectives, practical advice, and a treasure trove of resources to enrich your homeschooling journey. From innovative teaching methods to creative learning activities, find inspiration and support tailored to your educational needs.

  1. BetterSchooling: offers insights and resources for homeschooling and alternative education in India, aiming to empower parents with innovative teaching methods and learning philosophies.
  1. Homeschool of 1: Offers homeschooling tips, curriculum reviews, and free printables, sharing a personal journey from the UK to Florida.
  1. Different by Design Learning: Focuses on personalized education, offering individualized curriculum and learning assessments.
  1. Education Possible: Provides resources for homeschooling middle school students, including curriculum reviews and field trip ideas.
  1. Heart & Soul Homeschooling: Emphasizes tailored education for each child’s unique needs, offering curriculum and book selections.
  1. Hess Unacademy: Bridges parenting and homeschooling with engaging STEAM activities and free printable learning materials.
  1. Hip Homeschool Moms: Offers a modern approach to homeschooling with practical advice, inspiration, and dynamic educational resources.
  1. Homeschool Preschool: Empowers parents with resources, books, and activities for affordable preschool learning.
  1. Homeschool Share: Promotes interactive lap books as learning tools for personalized and engaging homeschooling.
  1. Homeschool Super Freak: Offers insights into diverse homeschooling methods for unconventional educational approaches.
  1. Hope in the Chaos: Provides support for homeschooling amidst life's unpredictability, with encouragement and practical tips.
  1. Living Life & Learning: Makes learning fun with educational resources and engaging activities for children.
  1. Living Montessori Now: Offers insights into incorporating Montessori principles into homeschooling for hands-on, child-centered learning.
  1. Mama Teaches: Provides practical teaching tips to create effective and enjoyable learning experiences.
  1. Rock Your Homeschool: A resource-rich blog providing printables, unit studies, and tips for an engaging homeschool environment.
  1. Schooling with Grace: Shares the journey of homeschooling four children, offering insights into the challenges and blessings.
  1. The Homeschool Mom: A great resource for home educators, offering curriculum reviews and planning tools.
  1. This Reading Mama: Focused on literacy and early childhood education, providing strategies to promote reading and language development.
  1. Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers: Embraces unique education methods, providing resources for a tailored homeschooling experience.
  1. Homeschool Mastery Academy: Offers affordable, quality resources and practical help for eclectic homeschoolers, featuring a team of experienced writers.
  1. Homeschooling Without Training Wheels: Lynna shares practical tips on homeschooling multiple ages, dealing with sibling conflicts, and fostering decision-making skills in children.
  1. iHomeschool Network: A collective blog featuring a diverse range of writers, covering every conceivable subject related to homeschooling, organization, and encouragement.
  1. The Homeschool Resource Room: Offers secular homeschooling advice, including curriculum reviews, planning tips, and subject-specific guidance.
  1. Hide The Chocolate: Dachelle mixes homeschooling resources with literary studies, all with a healthy dose of humor.
  1. Practical By Default: Jen provides valuable resources for working homeschool moms, focusing on time management, balancing work and homeschool, and meal planning.
  1. Read Aloud Revival: Sarah Mackenzie advocates for the joys of reading aloud to children, supported by a podcast that delves into various related topics.
  1. Nourishing My Scholar: Follow Erin's child-led educational journey, enriched with books, art, games, and hands-on activities.
  1. Techie Homeschool Mom: Beth offers guidance on navigating online learning tools and technology in homeschooling, including tech advice and curriculum reviews.
  1. Masterpiece Society: Alisha provides tips on integrating art into homeschooling, drawing inspiration from the Charlotte Mason educational philosophy.
  1. TeachYourKids: A newsletter on Substack that offers a blend of insightful articles, tips, and resources aimed at enhancing the homeschooling experience.